PC Games

Designed RIFT's opening loading screen using Photoshop. 
Created themed UI headers using the game's existing concept art.
Based on line art provided by a concept artist, these are the icons which represent the new souls (classes) for RIFT's second expansion. Created in Photoshop.
Window, tool bars, and inventory UI for Dimensions, RIFT's housing system. Created in Photoshop and animated in Flash.

In-game store to sell the expansion, time cards, and services for RIFT. Created in Photoshop and animated in Flash.

Item icons, mouse cursors, map markers, and target markers for RIFT and RIFT: Storm Legion. Painted in Photoshop using a Wacom tablet.

Interior and exterior zone maps for RIFT. Created in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Loading screens for dungeons, raids, chronicles, and pvp warfronts for RIFT: Storm Legion. Created in Photoshop.

Boss bar mockups, splash text, HUD art, and button states (over, normal, down, disabled). Created in Photoshop and animated in Flash.
Patcher for ArcheAge. Created in Photoshop and built in QT.